The bug probably started when I found a "Build A Boat" magazine in a newsagent. This mag was filled with plans for boats of various designs. I built a plywood 12ft dinghy from one of the plans during the 1970s.

As I read, I came across more designs, and finally settled on the Bruce Roberts Offshore 38. I came across a positive review of the design by Robert Perry and that confirmed my choice.

In general, I had no problem building to the plans. There was only one area that they are obviously inaccurate and that is the openings for the hatches. The plan shows them far too small to be practicable.

I built the aft cockpit version with 3mm deck plating, 4mm hull plating and 6mm on the keel. It was built exactly as on the plan - with all windows, sweeping splash guard in front of cockpit exactly as in the plan. If you choose a plan, partly because it looks great - why not build it that way. Too many homemade boats are "improved" by their builders but turn out for the worst, as far as I can see.